
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

My Plan to be super successful in PHYSICS!! :)

In Honors Physics this year I plan to be very successful in my achievements. I will do so by following the 5 tips for Physics success.

1. Class Time Success:
          It is very important to me to be attentive during class. Since this class is right after lunch, I tend to be less active during that period. I will try my hardest this year to stay attentive in class and ask questions when I have a question. I will also bring ALL of my materials to every class. In years past I have slacked off some days and not brought either a calculator or a ruler or both to every class because I knew we  didn't need it from other students. This year I have no idea since I am in the only Honors class and I need to bring all of my supplies to every class period. I also need to be more active during class discussions. I tend to be more quiet and not talk much during discussions because I am afraid of being wrong. This year I plan to overcome that fear and always participate in class discussions. My goal is to say at least one thing during each discussion and I will try my hardest to maintain that goal.

2. Reading Success:
          It is very important to check the website for every class each night because there might have been a change in the homework. I usually do not go onto teacher's webpages because I write down the homework in class and do not think I need to check the website. This year a lot of work is going to be online where in years past, most all of the work has been on paper. It is imperative that I check the website every day. When doing so I must read all information necessary and be sure I fully understand what I am reading before moving on to something else. During class when we look at our textbooks, I need to read each line carefully and make sure I understand what it is saying. I will also look over all of the notes from that day's class at night as to reinforce the ideas and concepts we learned during class.

3. Assignment Success:
          Again I must check the website EVERY DAY!! In order to be super successfull in this class I must actually do ALL of the work and be sure that I understand it. I am not very good at memorizing things quickly so I need to make a system to make sure I understand all materials covered in class so if there is a pop-quiz, I will be completely prepared for it. I need to make sure that all of my assignments are finished on time and I have put 110% effort into every project and homework. Usually I do the homework and I am done with it. NO MORE! This year I plan to do my homework one night and then check the website to make sure that there are no changes to the assignment and if there are to do them on time. I need to check the website for answers to homework and to ask questions on the wiki. If I have a problem on anything I need to go onto the class wiki and ask for help. I will do this if and only if I have tried all that I can think of to figure it out and it is still not working. I will not fold easily, I will try my hardest before asking for help. If I ever miss my Honors Physics class (GASP! :O), I will need to make sure that I recieve all information that we have gone over in class and that I understand it. It is necessary to go to Mrs. Gende and get everything I need and to be sure to ask her questions as to be sure that I understand the material.

4. Problem Solving Success
          One of the most important keys to being successful in Physics is to acutally KNOW the vocabulary and symbols. If I do not know these things, I will be eternally lost and probably never understand what is going on. I need to understand fully what each term means and what it is used for before I can understand anything else. Usually, my motive for solving problems is to get it done and then forget about it. This will no longer work. This year I need to understand how I solve each problem and do it correctly and slowly. If I do not do so, I will just forget about it and that just will not do. I must be sure to follow the four step rule: Remember to include Four Steps in every problem. In the words of the BEST Physics teacher ever:

1. Data and unknown: write down what is given and what you need to solve for.
Check for the units. Do you need to make any unit conversion? This is the place to do it.If the problem is unclear, try drawing a simple sketch of the situation.
2. Equation: Write down the equation and solve it for the unknown if needed. Do not just plug in numbers and solve, this method will not earn completwe credit for your solution.
3. Substitute the values into the equations
4. Check if your answer is reasonable and then write it down with the units.
It is also extremely important for me to know how to use my graphing calculator. If I do not understand how to use it, it will not be good because we use our graphing calculators for just about everything! Being able to actually graph data is an extremely important skill in Physics. We do lots of labs in Physics and we graph our data. If I do not know how to graph my data, I better be ready to get a low grade because by now everyone should be able to draw and plot a graph correctly.

5.General Tips for Physics Success:
         It is so important that I understand the materials in this class. If I do not, I will automatically get lower grades and that is not my goal this year. I will try my hardest to do my best in this class and I will do almost anything to get there. I need to be ready to answer questions about ALL of the material we have covered in class at any time, if I am not able to do so, I have failed myself and my classmates. I need to be so self-sufficient in this class, I will not fold at the first sign of difficulty, I will march on and only ask for help when I really truly am completely stuck. If I have any problems at all I know I can always go and talk to my amazing teacher Mrs. Gende and I know she will do all that she can do to help fix my problems.

I am so looking forward to this year in Physics and I cannot wait to see how the year goes!! I hope I can be as successfull as possible and from now on I will always try my absolute very hardest and do whatever it takes to get an A.

:) <3